Electronics deals with electrical circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies. The nonlinear behaviour of active components and their ability to control electron flows makes amplification Read more[...]


    Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The field first became an identifiable occupation in the late nineteenth century after commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical power supply. It now covers a range of subtopics including power, Read more[...]


    Telecommunication is the science and practice of transmitting information by electromagnetic means. Communication is talking to someone or thing not necessarily through technological means. Telecommunication, however, is talking through technology meaning phones, Internet, radio etc... Read more[...]


    Information technology (IT) is a branch of knowledge concerned with the development, management, and use of computer-based information systems. Humans have been storing, retrieving, manipulating and communicating information since the Sumerians in Mesopotamia developed writing in about 3000 BC, but the term "information technology" in its modern sense first appeared in a 1958 article published in the Harvard Business Review; authors Read more[...]

Amir Amin is a young Teacher running a number of sites from his living room. He is a Professional Teacher , Electrical Engineer.

achievementsIn September 2012 Amir Amin Launched his First blog on AMG Technical Academy which is now serving tons of quality articles/Notes daily to a much broader audience/Students.  AMG is now listed amongst Top5 Academies and has a loyal readership of over 5K regular readers/Students  AlhamdulillAh.

Amir Amin started Teaching In 1990 just after completing his DAE In Electronics. After a DAE In Electronics, he started Teaching. He started taking interest in Electrical Engineering  by thoroughly reading articles online. His thirst for learning and understanding latest Electrical Technologies And Also Interest In IT . He is now a Electrical Engineer by all rights without having taken any professional training. 
MBT Purpose
The purpose of publishing AMG TECHNICAL ACADEMY BLOG was to provide high quality Notes. Each post is published with a hope so that every blogger And Student  may learn the core basics to establish himself as a skilled entrepreneur. act as a rich resource to the online community and make a happy living online.

SIR AMIR AMIN advice to new Students:
Advise To Bloggers" When you intend to do something innovative in life, people will tell you that you can not do it but when you prove that you can, the same person would ask you: How you did it? So don't give up and keep Studding humbly.
Study requires a little hard work but a lot of patience. It lets you to communicate with a multicultural world of  Billion people, each of them is eager to find out, what have you got to share. So respect this opportunity and work hard with sincerity. Study In Any Technology only to spread knowledge and love.. I am Teaching since Twelve years but I still feel like a newbie and this is what that keeps me pushing to do more.
Please remember to be thankful to GOD Almighty for gifting you with the ability to read and write. Everyone of you is a born genius, you just need to recognize your God gifted potentials. Wishing you all a happing Studding career. Stay blessed and be happy always. Peace and blessings be upon you all. "
Amir Amin


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